On April 13, 2024, with many good causes matured, Tashi Choephel Rinpoche, the Abbot of the Tuptin Monastery and the throneholder of the lineage, descended to the Padma Vihara in Dali, where Rinpoche professed the rituals and teachings of the common and uncommon lineage teachings of the esoteric and exoteric Buddhism and the Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana, such as Water Offering, Ngöndro - Buddha in the Palm of your Hand, The Mantra for the Akshobhya Buddha, and the pith instructions on the Practice of the Nature of Mind. Rinpoche also recognized Palden Lhamo as the female inheritor of the Tuptin Monastery’s tantric lineage and bequeathed the new Dharma name, Chödzin Phoma Gagen. “Chödzin” signifies the lineage inheritance, while “Phoma” means the Sacred Mother. In the Ge Tantra, the uncommon notes to the Hevajra Tantra, “Phoma” is said to be the “mother who is away from the unwholesome stains.”
In the tantras, the significance of the female Buddha (such as Tara), the female deity (as opposed to the male deity), spiritual consort, and Vajra yogini is beyond description. They are equivalent to the indispensable Dakini of the Three Roots and of the Inner Three Jewels, and all of them are the foundation of activities for all Buddhas and practitioners, representing the enlightened female energy. They guide the practitioners not to derail from the right path and reveal the innate and consummate Buddha nature for sentient beings of various roots and inclinations. While the practitioners are dedicated to a certain practice, they will manifest expedient means to help unveil the bodhi path of the Tathagata Store. The Mahasiddha Phowaba, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, Marpa the Translator, and Milarepa all ever benefited from the guidance of Dakini.