Opening Tribute

Buddha blessed the realization of the nature of mind,

Grow adamant faith and profound knowledge of the Vajrayana luminosity,

Free ourselves from the defilements of attachment and affliction,

Pray for entering Luminosity without distinction.

To honor the forthcoming brief biography of our great and compassionate Root Lama, Chöying Dorje Rinpoche, who is the epitome of all Buddhas in one, I humbly present this opening tribute. After repeated requests from his disciples, Rinpoche kindly shared a brief account of his experience and attainment of realization, but we have only grasped a glimpse of Rinpoche’s profound teachings. Here I plead for your understanding for any omission or inadequacy in the words.

The Buddha’s teachings know no boundaries, and the great siddhas, with their innate wisdom and compassion, have benefited countless sentient beings. Their meritorious deeds are realms beyond the reach of ordinary people like us. However, in the Age of the Ending Dharma, the ignorant are possessed by innumerable anxieties, and the endured affliction is beyond words. This propels the compassion within the wise to spring up and ignites the eagerness to liberate the confused ones, through day and night.

I would love to follow the footsteps of the great predecessors, but my imperfection and insufficient knowledge have limited the narrative of our great Root Lama. However, I hope that those who are predestined will inspire due respect and faith, just as the self-accomplished Siddha Tilopa once proclaimed, “If you want to achieve Buddhahood in this lifetime, you should enter the Vajrayana. Only by relying on respect and faith in the Vajra Master, can you realize the ultimate tantra. If you want to develop faith, you must understand his/her merits, and the merits can be understood only by reading his/her biography." Thus, with this great vow in mind, I have undertaken the task of providing a brief introduction to Rinpoche. Now all the causes and coincidence have gathered, I will offer my modest effort in service of this purpose.

As the great sages once illustrated, “You shall never shower anyone with flowery words with no foundation. Even your Root Lama should not be praised without reason,” this brief biography is true and solidified on what I heard with my own ears, and not a thread of exaggeration can be found.

In addition, to help provoke joy and faith in Buddhist beginners, several excerpts are taken from Rinpoche’s Inner and Secret Biographies. Yet, out of concern that those without any empowerment (Wangkur) and foundational Buddhist teachings will fall in doubts, I dare not to disclose any further. I hope who ever read this will grasp the essence with discernment.

Opening Tribute